BLACK ADAM Shazam #3 Signed Original Comic Art Page Roy Thomas & Tom Mandrake

From June of 1987, this stunning original art page features story by Roy Thomas with Tom Mandrake pencils and inks. It is page 29 from SHAZAM: A New Beginning #3. Measures approximately 11 by 16 1/2 inches, and is in excellent condition. Features a great battle scene between Shazam and Black Adam. Please note- this is the actual, original piece of artwork - both pencils and inks. It is not a copy, print, bluelines, or a pre-printed image. It is a one-of-a-kind piece of original art. It is signed by Tom Mandrake. Please note - the cover to the issue this page appears in, as well as the final, colorized page as it appears inside the comic are shown for reference only. They are not included in with the listing. The listing is for the original artwork only. Excepting pack-pulled autograph trading cards, CGC Signature Series, signed Sideshow prints, and like collectibles, all autographed items Vault Collectibles sells were personally witnessed, by myself, being signed by the writer, artist, or celebrity in question. No third party is involved. Further, art sketches - and most published original art I sell - were obtained directly from the artist themselves. For buyers desiring this guarantee in written form, this statement guarantees that the above referenced item is as stated in the listing description. As this serves as written proof of said guarantee, no physical documentation will be included in the package when the item is mailed.