Heroes For Hire #6 p7 Original Comic Art, Marvel, 2007, Al Rio, Koblish, Team Me

Heroes For Hire #6 page 7 Original Art by Al Rio (pencils) and Scott Koblish (inks). 11"x17" on Marvel Comics blue-lined art board. Published by Marvel Comics in 2007.
This page was published by Marvel Comics in 2007 has features a lot of great member of the team, including one that doesn't make it to the end of the series alive (Orka). Also has Humbug, Colleen Wing, and Misty Knight. If you like quirky B-list villains this issue is for you.
Humbug is hired by a ten-year-old boy to rescue his robot from super-villains while Misty and. Álvaro Araújo Lourenço do Rio (19 May 1962 - 31 January 2012) - known professionally as. Was a Brazilian comic book artist, best known for his. Good girl illustration work, particularly on the American comic book series Gen¹³ and DV8, published by Wildstorm Comics. Check out my entire store for more!