Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics Original Interior Art Issue 124, Page 13

Welcome to the lead up to the monumental issue 125, which signaled a major shift in the Archie comics combining long running storylines by Karl Bollers and Ken Penders, as illustrated by popular Sonic artist, Steven Butler. Longtime Sonic inker Jim Amash inks this piece, and that is his signature on the page. This comic features the first major use of Shadow the Hedgehog (the SA2 adaptation was moreso a cameo) in the Archie Sonic series, and it features the introduction of an alien threat that even Dr. The page features Shadow, Rouge, Eggman, King Acorn, Sonic, Amy Rose, Sally Acorn, and more! This was the 2-part story that defined my renewed interest in the Sonic comics, so I'm sad to see it go!
I'm a private collector who rarely sells anything in their collection, so I'm sad to see this go but happy it will join your home!