White Tiger 6 p13 by Al Rio, Marvel Original Comic Art, Spider-Man, Luke Cage +

White Tiger #6 page 13 Original Art by Al Ri o, inks by Don Hillsman. 11"x17" on Marvel Comics blue-lined art board. Published by Marvel Comics in 2007. Signed by Al Rio and inker Don Hillsman II This one includes a huge host of characters! Black Widow, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Spider-man, and Angela Del Toro. Álvaro Araújo Lourenço do Rio (19 May 1962 - 31 January 2012) - known professionally as. Was a Brazilian comic book artist, best known for his.
Good girl illustration work, particularly on the American comic book series Gen¹³ and DV8, published by Wildstorm Comics.